
Data Providers

Fundamental company data and historical chart data provided by Refinitiv. Real-time index quotes and delayed quotes supplied by Refinitiv. Fund summary, fund performance and dividend data provided by Refinitiv. Index membership data provided by Refinitiv.
Use of the Refinitiv data must be in accordance with the Microsoft Service Agreement.

Product Details

Supported Exchanges

The following table shows the available worldwide exchanges on MSN Money, with their corresponding time delays (for quotes), locations and market identifier codes.
Location Market Identifier Code Exchange Delay in Quotes (in Minutes)
United States AMEX NYSE American 15
United States XNAS Nasdaq Stock Market (Last Sale Price) Real-time
United States XNYS New York Stock Exchange 15
United States ARCX NYSE ARCA 15
United States OTCM OTCM 15
United States XOTC OTCBB 15
United States N/A Nasdaq Global Indices Real-time
United States N/A Dow Jones Indices Real-time
United States N/A S&P Indices 10
United States N/A CME S&P Indices 10
United States XCME Chicago Mercantile Exchange 10
United States NYMS New York Mercantile Exchange 10
United States CECS Commodity Exchange (COMEX) 10
United States N/A Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) 15
Argentina XBUE Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires 20
Australia XASX Australian Securities Exchange 20
Australia N/A S&P ASX Indices Real-time
Austria XWBO Wiener Boerse AG 15
Belgium XBRU Euronext Brussels 15
Brazil BVMF B3 - Brazil Stock Exchange 15
Canada XCNQ Canadian National Stock Exchange 15
Canada XTSE Toronto Stock Exchange 15
Canada XTSX TSX Venture Exchange 15
Chile XSGO Santiago Stock Exchange 20
China XSHG Shanghai Stock Exchange 15
China XSHE Shenzhen Stock Exchange 15
Columbia XBOG Bolsa de Valores de Colombia End of Day
Cyprus XCYS Cyprus Stock Exchange 15
Denmark XCSE Nasdaq Copenhagen 15
Egypt XCAI Egyptian Exchange End of Day
Estonia XTAL Nasdaq Tallinn 15
Finland XHEL Nasdaq Helsinki 15
France XPAR Euronext Paris 15
Germany XFRA Deutsche Boerse AG 15
Germany XETR Xetra 15
Greece XATH Athens Exchange 15
Hong Kong XHKG Hong Kong Stock Exchange 15
Iceland XICE Nasdaq Iceland 15
India XBOM Bombay Stock Exchange 15
India XNSE National Stock Exchange of India 5 minute snapshot
Indonesia XIDX Indonesia Stock Exchange End of Day
Ireland XDUB Euronext Dublin 15
Israel XTAE Tel Aviv Stock Exchange End of Day
Italy XMIL Borsa Italiana 15
Japan XTKS Tokyo Stock Exchange 20
Korea XKRX Korea Stock Exchange 20
Latvia XRIS Nasdaq Riga 15
Lithuania XLIN Nasdaq Vilnius 15
Malaysia XKLS Bursa Malaysia 15
Malaysia N/A FTSE Bursa Malaysia Indices 15
Mexico XMEX Mexican Stock Exchange 20
New Zealand XNZE New Zealand Stock Exchange 20
Norway XOSL Oslo Bors Asa 15
Peru XLIM Bolsa de Valores de Lima End of Day
Philippines XPHS Philippine Stock Exchange 15
Poland XWAR Warsaw Stock Exchange 15
Portugal XLIS Euronext Lisbon 15
Romania XBSE Bucharest Stock Exchange 15
Russia MISX Moscow Exchange 15
Saudi Arabia XSAU Saudi Stock Exchange End of Day
Singapore XSES Singapore Exchange 10
South Africa XJSE Johannesburg Stock Exchange 15
South Africa N/A FTSE JSE Indices 15
Spain BMEX Bolsas y Mercados Espanoles 15
Sweden XSTO Nasdaq Stockholm 15
Switzerland XSWX Swiss Exchange 15
Taiwan XTAI Taiwan Stock Exchange 20
Thailand XBKK Stock Exchange of Thailand 15
The Netherlands XAMS Euronext Amsterdam 15
Turkey XIST Borsa Istanbul End of Day
Ukraine XUAX Ukrainian Stock Exchange End of Day
United Arab Emirates XADS Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange End of Day
United Arab Emirates XDFM Dubai Financial Market End of Day
United Kingdom XLON London Stock Exchange 15
United Kingdom N/A FTSE International 15
Venezuela BVCA Caracas Stock Exchange End of Day
Vietnam XSTC Hochiminh Stock Exchange 15


YTD Year to Date
Market Cap Market Capital
T Trillion
B Billion
M Million
K Thousand
Returns % M Monthly Returns %
Returns % Y Yearly Returns %
P/E Price to Earnings
TTM Trailing Twelve Months
Min. Invest Minimum Investment
1M 1 Month
3Y 3 Years
5Y 5 Years
10Y 10 Years
EPS Earnings per share
IRA Individual Retirement Account
AIP Auto Invest Program
U. S. Stock United States Stock
U. S. Bond United States Bond
Non-U. S. Stock Non-United States Stock
Vol Volume
Avg Average
T-Bill Treasury Bill
T-Note Treasury Note
ARM Adjustable Rate Mortgage
FHA Federal housing Administration
VA Veterans Administration
CD Certificate of Deposit
Day (Hi/Lo) Day High and Day Low
52 Wk (Hi/Lo) 52 week High and 52 week Low
Div. Yield Dividend Yield



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Mutual Funds

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Real-Time & Delayed data (includes price, currencies, bonds and market movers)

Prices are real-time for all trades executed on Nasdaq, Nasdaq BX, Nasdaq TRF, Nasdaq PSX, and real-time for Dow Jones Indices. Prices are delayed for all trades executed on other exchanges as per the above table. 52-week high and low values reflect the previous day's close price. The grades provided for certain stocks are updated on delayed basis based on our receipt of data from our data provider and typically reflects information as of the previous day's close.

Earnings calendar and earnings estimates

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Dow Jones Indexes

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© Refinitiv All Rights Reserved. All financial data is in local currency. All commodity prices are in USD. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Refinitiv and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Refinitiv nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Prices are real-time for all trades executed on Nasdaq, Nasdaq BX, Nasdaq TRF, Nasdaq PSX, and real-time for Dow Jones Indices. All other share prices and market indexes delayed at least 15 minutes; 52-week high and low values reflect the previous day's close price.

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The information presented in investing lists including those based on news events, themes or experts (e.g. analysts and hedge funds) and the grades provided for certain stocks may be delayed by up to 1-2 days. The information presented in investing lists relating to trading and portfolio holdings of analysts and hedge funds is obtained from historical filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission and may not represent current portfolio holdings for any of the funds or individuals mentioned.

The information used to derive the Grades for each company presented in MSN Money and Microsoft Start Money and any related Microsoft experience or notification are based on over 600 factors during a seven year period provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC across 10 industry sectors. Microsoft uses a proprietary model to grade various stocks within each industry sector. Grades are assigned using a forced curve, with 20% of the stocks in each industry sector receiving an A, B, C, D or E grade. The grade of each stock is relative to the other stocks within each list and are not comparable across industry sectors. The grades typically are updated one time per day and may not reflect current events or changed circumstances. Each grade is provided for informational purposes only and should not be deemed to be an investment recommendation by Microsoft.

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